• From an industrial relic to a future oriented location

    40 hectares of development area for enterprises in an attractive setting

Technologiepark Phoenix

Company directory


PGUB Management Consultants GmbH

Kompetenzfelder mit Schwerpunkt Automotive:

- E-Mobility

-  Lichtsysteme


-  Mechatronik

technology-oriented services
Contact info
Company name PGUB Management Consultants GmbH
Address Carlo-Schmid-Allee 3
Zip Code & City 44263 Dortmund
Location Technologiepark PHOENIX
Zentrum für Produktionstechnologie (ZfP)
Phone 0231-5322 1412
Homepage http://www.pgub-consult.de/
E-Mail info@pgub-consult.de
Contact person
Name Herr Florian Heinzelmann
E-Mail fh@pgub-consult.de