Company directory
Logistikbude GmbH
Logistikbude is an innovative software company from Dortmund, founded 2021. It offers a software for the management of returnable load carries (e.g. pallets, containers, racks), which is independent of the load carrier type and can be used immediately without an own infrastructure. The software places great emphasis on ease of use and maximum automation.
Branches |
logistics/material flow |
Contact info | |
Company name | Logistikbude GmbH |
Address | Emil-Figge-Straße 80 |
Zip Code & City | 44227 Dortmund |
Location | TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO) |
Phone | 0151 2252 7014 |
Homepage | | |
Contact person | |
Name | Dr. Philipp Hüning | |