• From an industrial relic to a future oriented location

    40 hectares of development area for enterprises in an attractive setting

Technologiepark Phoenix

Company directory


ICD Informatik Centrum Dortmund e.V.

Wissenschaftsorientierte Forschung im Bereich Informatik.

technology-oriented services
Contact info
Company name ICD Informatik Centrum Dortmund e.V.
Address Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 20
Zip Code & City 44227 Dortmund
Location Wissenschafts- und Technologiecampus
Phone +49 231 / 9700-900
Fax +49 231 / 9700-999
Homepage http://www.icd.de
E-Mail info@icd.de
Contact person
Name Herr Prof. Dr.-Inform. Peter Marwedel
E-Mail info@icd.de