• From an industrial relic to a future oriented location

    40 hectares of development area for enterprises in an attractive setting

Technologiepark Phoenix

Company directory


Agilea Fitnessstudio Software (escrea GmbH)


information and communication technology, multimedia
Contact info
Company name Agilea Fitnessstudio Software (escrea GmbH)
Address Emil-Figge-Straße 80
Zip Code & City 44227 Dortmund
Location TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO)
Wissenschafts- und Technologiecampus
Phone 0231/57020080
Fax 0231/57020080
Homepage http://www.agilea.de
E-Mail info@agilea.de
Contact person
Name Herr Tilmann Freisen
E-Mail info@agilea.de